Insurance Safe Zone Blog

A blog designed with your safety in mind. Let us help you protect your piece of the world.

Contractor/Sub-Contractor Agreements

Contractors should always have a signed written agreement with any subcontractor they bring onto a job. But what should that agreement cover? MMG Insurance recommends the following: WHO Identify all parties involved in the contractor/sub-contractor agreement. Specify who obtains permits. State which party is to provide required safety equipment and training. WHAT Define the scope […]

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Business Continuity Planning

Imagine a computer virus or tech failure destroys your business’s electronic equipment and data. Or imagine a natural disaster strikes your area, crippling transportation, communication, supply chains, and the electricity grid. In either situation, would you be able to continue your business operations? Having a Business Continuity Program/Plan (BCP) in place helps ensure that your […]

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Hunting Safety

With autumn in the air, it’s a great time to enjoy the great outdoors. For some of us, that means going hunting. Before you set out to bag a bird or a buck, though, make sure you are prepared. Know the Rules: All states have specific regulations pertaining to hunting. Be sure to know and […]

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Garage Fire Safety

Garages often contain flammable liquids, gasoline-powered equipment, and electric tools and appliances, all of which can cause a fire. Unfortunately, that means garage fires are more common than you might like to think. And because garages tend to be used for storage, too, there is lots of fuel to help flames grow. In fact, garage […]

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Cyber Security

Cyber-attacks are becoming more common and complex as our online networks grow. Such attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information. To keep your private data from falling into the hands of cybercriminals, it’s important to be aware of the scams they utilize. Phishing, a common type of cyber-attack, involves scammers sending […]

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Severe Weather Emergency Preparedness

Summer is the season of severe thunderstorms and hurricanes, and while these large storms can be frightening and destructive, there are steps you can take to keep your family and property safe. Preparation is key to safety. Staying tuned in to the local weather is always a good idea, but don’t wait for a storm […]

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Potholes and Spring Ground Movement Hazards

Every season brings unique weather-related safety hazards, and potholes are a common hazard in the spring. Here are some tips and considerations to be mindful of while driving and walking in areas prone to ground surface damage, such as large cracks, potholes, and uneven terrain: Be careful of other drivers/pedestrians when navigating around potholes. Keep […]

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Every year over 165,000 non-fatal workplace injuries occur in the construction industry. This leads to a drain on resources, reduces employee labor, and can lead to fines and other Penalties. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the most frequently cited violation on construction sites in 2021 was a lack of fall protection. […]

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Halloween Driving & Pedestrian Safety

Halloween is a beloved holiday filled with ghosts, ghouls, candy, and countless pedestrians patrolling the neighborhood. As a driver or a pedestrian, you must exhibit extreme caution around Halloween to avoid an unexpected fright.    Keep these safety tips in mind this Halloween. Safe tips for drivers:   Drive slowly. Watch for children and pedestrians […]

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Home Heating Cost Savings Tips

  As consumers, we all feel the effects of the current economic inflation and ever-rising energy costs. Over the past year, average heating oil prices have increased by 50%, natural gas has risen by 18%, and propane has gone up by 42%. With winter quickly approaching and fuel bills on the rise – it might […]

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