Slip and Fall Prevention Tips for Business Owners

The snowy weather outside might be delightful at first, but it can quickly become frightful for business owners and their customers.

During winter, the risk of slip and fall incidents markedly increases. According to the CDC, slips and falls account for approximately 1 million emergency room visits each year.

The good news is the following tips can help everyone–including customers–navigate their world more safely.

Keeping Indoors Incident-Free

Every business owner wants to eliminate slip and fall hazards on their property. These tips can help the interior of your business stay safe and dry:

  • Install and secure all-weather rugs or floor mats in entryways
  • Place “wet floor” signs in high traffic areas
  • Post additional signage to identify potential slip, trip, and fall areas like ramps, raised doorways, or stairs
  • Have Incident Reports easily accessible
  • Create a daily checklist for winter housekeeping tasks
  • Immediately clean up puddles and spills

Loss Control Outside Your Business

You might not be able to make the outside world fall-proof, but there are steps you can take to reduce these kinds of risks from occurring on your property:

  • Regularly inspect rain gutters and downspouts for water flow that could freeze and create slippery conditions
  • Contract a qualified snow removal company to keep parking lots and walkways clear of snow and ice
  • Install railings along steps and walkways
  • Post signage warning of falling ice and snow or slippery surfaces
  • Frequently check walkways to ensure they are clear
  • Treat outdoor surfaces before forecasted storms
  • Use a mixture of rock salt and sand on ice to prevent wet surfaces from refreezing

What Customers Can Do to Reduce the Risk

Don’t let icy weather prevent you from visiting your favorite local businesses! Here are ways you can reduce your risk of slips and falls:

  • Be aware of the weather forecast, building in extra time for travel and walking to and from your location
  • Choose well-maintained walkways whenever possible
  • Hold onto railings or supports when walking up and down ramps and stairs
  • Take short, deliberate steps when walking on slippery surfaces
  • Wear winter boots or shoes with slip-resistant soles and heavy tread
  • Avoid using your cell phone while walking through the parking lot
  • Report potentially unsafe areas to business owners

Whether you’re a business owner or customer, safety matters. Use these guidelines as a helpful resource to reduce slip and fall risks so you can enjoy winter’s wonderland!