Commitment to civic excellence

We tend to be a very community-based agency, and MMG shares a strong commitment to civic excellence. You hear that from other companies, but MMG does it. This is a ‘people’ business, and they have great people.

Important core values

Even though we and MMG are miles apart geographically, I feel that our respective areas share important core values: a strong work ethic, a sense of community, and a friendly attitude towards others. And these values are present throughout their organization, from top to bottom.

MMG is flexible, nimble and hard-working on behalf of policyholders. As part of the younger generation, I also appreciate their adoption of social media to build staff and community connections.


Lots of good synergy

There’s lots of good synergy. Like us, they are Maine-based, and there is an increased level of trust and respect of sustainability. We’re confident the relationship will continue for years to come.

What a great company

I have colleagues in other states that get appointments from MMG and say ‘Wow, what a great company’. I’ve gotten to know senior management, which I don’t even get to see from carriers we’ve represented for fifty years.’ This is something you don’t often see from large national carriers and sometimes even the large regionals.

Forward-thinking business strategy

We are a community-oriented company with a long-term plan to be here to sell insurance far into the future. Our perseverance is matched by MMG’s forward-thinking business strategy and client commitment. Their ability to be nimble and flexible, regardless of the need, is something many other insurance companies strive to match.


A personalized approach

I use three words to describe MMG’s approach: fair, efficient and swift. Their underwriters take a personalized approach to our clients and deal with them in a very professional manner. They are especially good in our clients’ time of greatest need, when they have a claim to file.

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